
Liability Insurance Audits

Liability Insurance audits are part of youe annual insurance renewal process. The insurance premium is based on your gross sales and your payroll to help your insurance company determine the amount of risk to which your company is exposed. We meet with the liablility auditor at our office and deal directly with him or her so you can do what you like to do – work in your business without the hassle of dealing with auditors.

Workers’ Compensation Audits

A Worker’s Compensation premium audit involves the determinination of the actual premium instead of the initial estimated premium. We have found that the average small business is paying too much in Workers’ Compensation. Let us represent your company and save you money!

Sales Tax Audits

Sam Eckhardt of The Business Tax Institute prides himself on being the foremost state taxation expert in Florida, and more knowledgeable concerning tax law, in fact, than most Department of Revenue auditors. Having worked as a Department of Revenue Audit Group Supervisor for fifteen years, Sam made the decision to use his knowledge and abilities to assist Florida business owners who find themselves entrapped in an audit. With Sam’s wisdom to back us, we are not afraid to take on government agencies on the behalf of our clients. We know better than anyone how to represent our clients’ interests and to best present arguments in their favor.

The chances are one in five that your business will be selected for a sales tax audit, as the Florida Department of Revenue eventually audits 20% of all businesses. Over 90% of these sales tax audits result in assessments averaging in excess of thirty thousand dollars in additional tax, penalties, and interest. This assessment can be because of errors due to tax that you did not charge your customers, or tax not charged to you by your vendors. Many times these assessments cause extreme financial damage to the business and they usually carry up to an additional 110% in penalties and interest.

We have found that very often a client has not been collecting tax on a particular type of transaction when they should have been, or that the Department of Revenue auditors have incorrectly found this to be the case. The Business Tax Institute’s background of tax law expertise will unravel the knots, and most often is instrumental in saving the taxpayer multiple thousands of dollars. We also specialize in helping our clients to save valuable time. This is the time our clients would otherwise spend away from their businesses while worrying and preparing fruitlessly for an audit. Additionally, most tax law and auditing techniques are unfamiliar and frightening to most business owners, who should be spending their efforts running their business and not attempting to successfully counter the auditor’s assumptions and conclusions.

If you have been audited within the past three years, are under audit, have been notified you will be audited, or simply want to be sure that you will not be financially injured in the case of an audit, please call the expert tax consultants at The Business Tax Institute.


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